China (MNN) — It takes just $5 to put a Bible into the hands of someone who may have never held one before.

And people around the world are catching that vision. They know that their $5 gift can completely change someone’s world by providing them with a direct connection to the Word of God in their own language.

“We are receiving a monthly gift through the internet and through our social community from Zambia, Africa,” says President of Bibles for China, Wendell Rovenstine. “When I went to the website and looked at these folks … we should be helping them out. They have a heart to make a difference in China through Bibles.”

He adds that when Bibles for China started over five years ago, they never envisioned teaming up with so many international partners.

(Photo courtesy of Bibles for China).

“Individuals from around the world in countries that are less affluent and have less wealth and prosperity, individuals in those countries are giving to Bibles for China,” he says. “Numerous stories this year have come out of how the Lord miraculously moved people to provide a Bible. God’s called them to the ministry through our social media contact throughout the world.”

Previous generations in China did not have the freedom to own and distribute Bibles in the way that Chinese people do today. According to the Bibles for China website, “There are probably 100 million Christians in China, and many subsist on far too little income to afford an entire Bible.”

Rovenstine says Bibles for China has many testimonies of people who have received their own Bible for the first time and individuals who have been miraculously touched or healed.

“They go to hospitals and talk to people about the Lord and those people leave the hospital, come back and join the body of believers; they become preaching point leaders.”

He says that in China, the Lord has been using difficult situations to bring people to himself.

“He is really moving through difficult circumstances, circumstances of finance, circumstances of family, circumstances of misunderstanding, circumstances of relationships and circumstances of physical need,” Rovenstine says. “We hear testimony after testimony of people who have come to faith in Christ through adversity and through difficult things that we usually try to run from and that’s been very encouraging to us.”

Rovenstine encourages supporters to pray for Bibles for China as they look to the future.

(Photo courtesy of Bibles for China)

“Being 79 years old, I’m really seeking the Lord to give us our next leader, a person who takes my position that it would be someone who really loves God’s Word,” he says. “Please read and use God’s Word and study God’s Word on a daily basis. Wait upon the Lord for leadership and trust him to give you direction and leadership for what he wants you to do.”

He also asks people to spread the word about the ministry.

“Every time you see something for Bibles for China, share it with your friends, share it with your network, share it with your church. Put it on an LED board at your church or in your business. Let them know that Bibles for China has a significant opportunity to make a tremendous difference in China with a Bible that goes to a family that touches a family for Christ for eternity’s sake.”

If you’d like to give someone a Bible today, click here.

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